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Impromptissimo, Paris, Cité de l'Université !concert at Impromptissimo, Cité de l'Université !

cosmic, intermingling, overwhelming, immersive! 

Eyal Hareuveni, 8/2024

A geological event. …an eruption, every chord a seismic shift. Roulleau, armed with an arsenal of electronics that could easily be mistaken for the control panel of a spaceship, responds with granular textures that churn and swell like molten lava.  …music that exists in its own space, once cerebral and visceral, an epiphany that feels utterly essential. 

ChainD.l.k., 3/2025


[18/03/2025 | 20:30] LIVE IN PARIS: Gwennaëlle Roulleau & Reinhold Friedl

at Impromptissimo, Paris, Cité de l'Université !concert at Impromptissimo, Cité de l'Université !

cosmic, intermingling, overwhelming, immersive! 

Eyal Hareuveni, 8/2024

A geological event. …an eruption, every chord a seismic shift. Roulleau, armed with an arsenal of electronics that could easily be mistaken for the control panel of a spaceship, responds with granular textures that churn and swell like molten lava.  …music that exists in its own space, once cerebral and visceral, an epiphany that feels utterly essential. 

ChainD.l.k., 3/2025


Gwennaëlle Roulleau - electronics [ Soma Lyra 8, Arturia Mini brute 2, Duofluctus, amplified objects, electrodynamic microphone , micro piezzo, Usine HH 5.2.]
Reinhold Friedl - piano

current release: strate & spheres on ROOM40, Brisbane Australia

squelchy, microtonal rivulets running through the channels which lay open between slow, ponderous chimes of almost piano notes. Surges and scrapes, like factory workings or excavations, rub against glitchery insectoid flickerings and harsh polar winds. 

Aural Aggracvation, Christopher Nosnibor, 8/2024

strata & spheres propels us into a whirlwind of scratched, rubbed and percussive sonorities, seeking to push back the invisible frontiers of universal expansion. Strings jump out at you, while sizzling sounds come and go with an eerie serenity. Tensions build up around a mast poised in the middle of alternating currents, teetering above a void filled with whirring and screeching in voracious aggression mode. Elusive atmospheres, carried by a horde of contrary winds, banging against the windows of intranquility. Hypnotic. 

SilencAndSound, Roland Torres, 9/2024

cosmic, intermingling, overwhelming, immersive! 

Eyal Hareuveni, 8/2024